Run for Town Meeting

YOU should run for Town Meeting!

This past fall, our town made huge strides towards addressing our housing shortage by passing meaningful compliance with the MBTACA. It took each of us doing our part to make that happen. From speaking up in public hearings; writing letters to various boards and commissions; going on site walks and giving feedback directly to the Planning Department; signing our petition in favor of meaningful compliance; speaking one-on-one with Town Meeting Members; and, on the first night of Town Meeting, holding up signs to encourage Town Meeting to vote for the Consensus Warrant Article: all those actions became the essential chorus of momentum that led to the overwhelming vote in favor of the Consensus Warrant Article on November 14th. However, at the end of the day, only elected members of Town Meeting were actually able to vote for the MBTACA. If you really want your voice to be heard, become one of the folks whose voice has extra weight, and run for Town Meeting. Running for Town Meeting takes some courage, and it takes some determination. But mostly, it takes knowing that you don’t have to run alone. You’ll be supported by folks on our team who will help you with the mechanics of running, from filing papers to forming a precinct slate to helping you create flyers. While it’s essential for all of us to speak up and be heard, those of us who want Brookline to become a more welcoming, climate resilient community must win the legislative votes to make that happen. We need new voices with innovative ideas in Town Meeting. You are that person! We had one orientation session in January and we'll have another one in February. Learn more about the mechanics of running, who else is thinking of running in your precinct, and the kind of help Brookline for Everyone offers its endorsed candidates.
And even if you feel you’re not the one to run, please join the team and help our endorsed candidates spread the word that Brookline needs new voices with new ideas, and elect Town Meeting Members who will put our values into practice.
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