Brookline’s Fall Town Meeting adjourned late Thursday evening. We’re thrilled that Warrant Articles 8 and 15 passed, which will create much-needed homes. However, we are disappointed that Article 9 narrowly failed, as it would have created modest homes while helping current residents age in place. Read on for a recap, and then RSVP for our holiday party!
What happened on the zoning front?
We successfully passed Article 8, a Zoning By-Law Change to allow for Special Permits for single-family home conversions to two-family homes if minimum lot size requirements need to be waived; and Article 15, which updates and liberalizes the Town’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) regulations to comply with State requirements in the Affordable Homes Act. Both pieces of legislation will create and expand housing options for middle-income Brooklinites. We are also cheered by the passage of Article 10, which added more options under the MBTA-CA design Standards on Harvard Street.
Unfortunately, two worthwhile proposals were referred to the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee:
- Article 9, which would have allowed homeowners to add a third Home near transit in T (Two-Family) Districts; and
- Article 14, which would have allowed separate ownership of buildings on the same lot.
- Check out for their recap
Obviously, we still have more to do to convince Town Meeting Members that their constituents want them to permit more housing near transit, and to do whatever they can to welcome new neighbors while also supporting friends and neighbors to stay in our community.
If you want to help us elect more pro-housing Town Meeting Members, be part of the Comprehensive Planning process, and pass more pro-housing legislation next May, sign up here.
Join us for our 2024 Holiday Party!
Brookline for Everyone will be celebrating the holiday season with our annual gathering on the evening of Monday, December 16th from 5:30-7:30pm. Friends, family, and neighbors are welcome! RSVP here.
A little Thanksgiving reading
For a traditional feast this holiday week, many of us will invite family and friends, including some who rent small apartments that could not possibly host such events. Observing the scene at Town Meeting, it is too easy to forget that most Brookline residents are renters: their voices are too little heard. The rest of us might take a moment to consider the challenges of neighbors who have to navigate the dreadfully tight Greater Boston rental market. Check out this piece in the Boston Globe about how expensive it is to move in (or to) Boston.
Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving!