Greetings all,
As the ice melts, we hope that everyone can venture out to our Happy Hour tonight. If not, though, we have Zoom meetings and online links to keep you learning about the needs of Brookline and other communities like it.
The next B4E Happy Hour is tonight, Monday, Feb. 24, from 5:30-7:30 at Grainne O’Malley’s Tavern, 201 Harvard Street. Say hello to friends and allies, or make new ones over a drink! RSVP here.
Running for Town Meeting?
The last of the season’s Zoom Information Sessions will be this Tuesday, Feb. 25 from 7-8 pm. Learn about running for Town Meeting in the spring–there’s still time!–and about opportunities to serve on one of the Town’s Boards or Commissions, or to become part of a B4E precinct team. No commitment is required to attend, just interest, but it’s a chance to learn easy ways you can help us make a difference. Please sign up here. And if you can’t make it and want to learn more, we’ll be happy to connect!
Calling all data nerds!
Do you like spreadsheets or SQL? Do you want to help create more homes in Brookline without talking to strangers on the street? We have a task for you! Our elections subcommittee is looking for a few volunteers to help us wrangle data this fall. If you can do a mean VLOOKUP or JOIN then we need you. Please reply to and tell us you want to join the Data Team and we’ll follow up next week.
Key Meetings of Interest this Week
Last week we announced that the Planning Board would be hearing a presentation about the proposed Toxteth-Perry form-based planning zone, but the meeting was postponed until this Wed., Feb. 26, at 8:30 AM. We want to learn about possibilities for adding more housing units here. Agenda and Zoom signup here.
What We’re Reading: data that makes us feel good
You’ve probably heard the argument that we mustn’t build more housing because it will overwhelm our schools. If that puzzles you in this period of declining enrollments and school closings, you aren’t alone, and you aren’t wrong, as this brief report explains.
This year will see a renewed push to permit a local-option Real Estate Transfer Fee in Massachusetts. Here is a look at what Los Angeles’s so-called “mansion tax” (because it applies only to sales over $5 million) has done in only two years: provided many millions for affordable housing.
Thanks, and have a great week,
Brian Ladd
on behalf of Brookline for Everyone