Complete Neighborhoods
A complete neighborhood is a walkable and bikeable neighborhood that meets the needs of people of all ages and abilities, with safe and convenient access to shopping, schools, public open spaces, affordable transportation options, and civic amenities.
Where we live and the way we live has changed since the COVID pandemic, and highlights the benefits of complete neighborhoods. We have chosen with our feet to work and play and shop much closer to our homes.
As many cities including Boston are finding, complete walkable neighborhoods have proven a resilient economic ecosystem, and are rebounding more quickly from the shock of the pandemic than incomplete areas like the financial district.
Brookline’s many areas near public transit have great potential to become complete, walkable neighborhoods.
By changing our zoning codes to permit more mixed use development that includes homes at all income levels, our people and our businesses will flourish, and at the same time become more resilient when responding to unpredictable economic fluctuations.