Brookline for Everyone Action Alert!

This week we are focusing on TAKING ACTION. We need your help to move our pro-housing agenda forward. ACTION ITEM NO. 1: Raise your Pro-Housing Voice for Brookline’s Comprehensive Plan After years of “planning to plan,” the Comprehensive Planning process is finally, fully underway. Public engagement is a crucial element of the process, and public participation will significantly influence the outcome. A vibrant, diverse…

AHOD Subcommittee Monday, Upcoming Warrant Articles for Town Meeting, and Comp Planning

Meetings of Interest This Week  It appears to be a light week, with both meetings of interest on Monday: The Affordable Housing Overlay District (AHOD) Study Subcommittee will be on Monday, September 30, via Zoom, at 7:30-9:00 pm (Zoom link here, no registration required). The meeting will include review of the Affordable Housing Overlay District Final Report by RKG Associates,…

Yes! in Brookline Housing Forum Recap and Brookline CDC’s Upcoming Gala!

Many participants were pleased with the housing forum sponsored by our friends at Yes! in Brookline last Wednesday, at which Brookline residents Zeina Talje and Amy Schechtman explained the procedural and personal hurdles they face in order to provide us with new housing. If you were unable to join us, or you would like to review the discussion or invite others to hear it, you…

Learn What It Takes to Build Homes in Brookline with Yes! in Brookline and Updates on Current Brookline Planning Activities

We loved seeing everyone at our Fall Happy Hour this past Monday at Grainne O'Malley's. We enjoyed some great conversations with neighbors and friends, new and old, and are energized for a busy Fall Town Meeting calendar ahead. Thanks for helping us create such a great community of local advocates! Yes! In Brookline Forum: “Housing for All in Brookline: For-profit…

September Events and Presidential Campaign Season

Labor Day marks the end of summer for many of us, notably our children. It also marks the beginning of many things, including a political campaign season and an increasingly active Town and Brookline for Everyone calendar. Join us for the Brookline for Everyone Fall Happy Hour on Monday, September 9! Join Brookline for Everyone on Monday, September 9 at Grainne…

End of Summer

Welcome to the last week of summer (by some definitions). Next week brings not only the opening of many schools but the close of the fall Warrant, after which we should have a better idea how to prepare for a productive Fall Town Meeting. For now, most of the action is going on behind the scenes. Town Meetings of Interest…

Exciting September Events and Preparing for the Fall

Upcoming Brookline for Everyone Events in September September 8 is Brookline Day, a celebration of all things Brookline at Coolidge Corner, organized by the Brookline Recreation Department, with “vendors, games, inflatables, trucks, food, face painters, bands, prizes, and special activities,” and, best of all, you can volunteer at the Brookline for Everyone table! Come to have fun, meet your neighbors, say…

Two Important Planning Board Meetings This Week

We know it is the middle of August, but there are two important meetings of the Brookline Planning Board, and we hope you can attend one or both to speak up on behalf of more housing opportunities in Brookline. On Wednesday, August 14 at 8:30 AM, there will be a Special Meeting of the Planning Board (via Zoom only) to…

The Housing Bond Bill Passes the Legislature, New Homes Proposed for Harvard Avenue, and More

Our state legislature adjourned this past week without completing work on many pressing matters, notably on energy, climate, and economic development. BUT there was one big success: a Housing Bond Bill that includes $800 million for affordable housing and $375 million for infrastructure grants in addition to $2 billion to modernize public housing, a threefold increase from the previous five-year…