Happy Patriots and Marathon Day — AND, We Still Need Your Help to Elect Pro-Housing Candidate on May 2

Greetings everyone, and Happy Patriots Day and Marathon Day! Congratulations and good luck for anyone who is running, and for the rest of us, let’s take advantage of Brookline’s prime location to enjoy the party as we cheer the runners on. Now, on to the week. Action Item Number 1: There is still plenty of time to help B4E elect…

Help Elect Pro-Housing Candidates, the Planning Department’s MBTA Communities Act Compliance Meetings, Greater Boston Interfaith Organization’s Housing Justice Campaign, and more

We hope all who celebrate have had a happy Easter and Passover, and a blessed Ramadan. Spring is always a busy time of year in Brookline, between the May election and Annual Town Meeting, and this year is no different. Let’s dive right in. Action Item Number 1: We need your help to elect pro-housing candidates in Brookline. On May…

Election Endorsements! Vote for Pro-Housing Candidates on May 2!

We are extremely excited to announce our endorsements of great pro-housing candidates, across Brookline, who will be on the ballot on May 2. For Select Board, we believe Arden Reamer is the best candidate and deserves your vote. Arden understands the current reality of astronomical housing costs in Brookline, and the centrality of our restrictive zoning regulations in getting us…

Join B4E at Brookline Booksmith (Monday) and attend Select Board Meeting on MBTA-CA Planning and Implementation (Tuesday)

Greetings everyone, It’s a busy week, so let’s get right to our two key Action/Learning Items: Action/Learning Item No. 1: Join us in person at Brookline Booksmith at 6:00 pm on Monday, March 27th for a conversation with Katherine Einstein & Maxwell Palmer, authors of Neighborhood Defenders: Participatory Politics and America’s Housing Crisis. Einstein & Palmer, political science professors at…

Updates on HPP and MBTA-CA, and Two Easy Action Items

We extend a special thank you to everyone who attended the HAB meeting last Wednesday, where the draft Housing Production Plan (HPP) was rolled out, and to those who the later that evening attended the Planning Department’s kick-off for their Harvard Street Zoning Proposal to comply with the MBTA Communities Act (MBTA-CA). It was a full evening, with lots to…

Re: NEW Registration Link for MBTA-CA Harvard Street Visioning

B4E friends, The Planning Department has published a new registration link for the Community Visioning Kick-off tomorrow night (Wed. March 15, 7:30 pm) for their Harvard Street Zoning Proposal to comply with the MBTA Communities Act (MBTACA). Please ignore the prior link we sent with our Sunday newsletter and REGISTER HERE to attend. The analysis and full study are posted…

Sign our Petition Supporting MBTACA Compliance and Register Now for March 27 Event at Brookline Booksmith

Greetings everyone. First, a hearty thank you to all of you who attended our 2023 MBTA Communities Act (MBTACA) Kickoff co-sponsored with Abundant Housing MA at Hops N Scotch this past Tuesday night. Despite the dreary weather, the room was packed with over 100 of you (!), and a good time was had by all as we learned important details…

Join Us at Hops N Scotch Tuesday Night at 6:30!

Greetings. We have two important actions this week, both in support of Brookline’s implementation of the MBTA Communities Act (MBTACA). Really Easy Action Item No. 1: This Tuesday, February 28, the Select Board will vote to engage Opticos Design to flush out the details of the Planning Department’s proposal to rezone the Harvard Street Corridor to increase our capacity for…

School Vacation Week and Looking Ahead

Greetings for the President’s Day Weekend. We hope you have been able to get outside a bit for the sunny (if cold) weather, and for all the parents on this list, we wish you best of luck coping with -- or even enjoying? -- school vacation week. Likely because some folks are out of town, it’s a relatively quiet week…