
Elections, Endorsements Coming, Abundance, and National Rally

Greetings, Everyone! Welcome to another full week as we move toward the Spring Town Elections (May 6, early voting begins April 26) and Spring Town Meeting (starting May 27). Coming This Week: Endorsements from B4E Our board and volunteers have been reviewing dozens of questionnaires and voting records from Select Board and Town Meeting candidates, and our full list of…

Spring means flowers, Elections, and May Warrant Articles

It feels like spring outside, and that means – Brookline Town Election Season is Ramping Up! Only 51 Days until the May 6 Town Elections! And with the promise of warmer weather it's time to join us for an event. Our volunteer efforts are already up and running! We're tabling next weekend at Trader Joe’s, and every other weekend until…

Election Season, Meetings this Week, and Why Housing is a Climate Issue

As the unrelenting chaos in DC weighs on all of us, we’re here to help you find a meaningful outlet to make an impact in your community. Brookline Town Election Season Ramping Up As you’re aware from our last few newsletters, Brookline’s local election is on the horizon–Tuesday, May 6th!–and we’re looking forward to supporting great pro-housing, pro-climate, and pro-transit…

Info Sessions for Town Meeting and What We’re Reading

Thanks to everyone who came out to say hello and share a drink at last Monday’s Happy Hour. It was fantastic to see so many friends, new and old. Check out our post on Instagram (link ) and like our page while you're there! Save the date now for our March Happy Hour, on March 31st at The Washington Square…

Happy Hour, Info Session, Nerds Wanted

Greetings all, As the ice melts, we hope that everyone can venture out to our Happy Hour tonight. If not, though, we have Zoom meetings and online links to keep you learning about the needs of Brookline and other communities like it. Tonight! The next B4E Happy Hour is tonight, Monday, Feb. 24, from 5:30-7:30 at Grainne O'Malley's Tavern, 201 Harvard Street. Say hello…

Housing and Transit Victories!

Greetings Everyone,  Happy Presidents’ Day! But we won’t dwell on the topic of presidents, because we can open with good news: Last Tuesday, the Select Board voted 4 - 1 to approve the Washington Street Complete Streets Project Concept Design, which targets safety improvements for all users, including providing protected, sidewalk level bike lanes on the entire project corridor, from…

Get Involved: How You Can Make a Difference in 2025

Greetings Everyone,  We need your help! There are many ways you can contribute to our pro-housing efforts. For one, there’s still time to run for Town Meeting in the spring. And there are always new opportunities to serve on one of the Town’s Boards or Commissions, or become part of a B4E precinct team. To learn more, attend one of…

Biking Brookline Action Alert, Meetings This Week, and Getting Involved to Make a Difference in 2025

Greetings Everyone, Happy February. There is a lot going this week, so let’s get right to it. Good News + Action Alert for Safer Bicycle Lanes Safer bicycle lanes along Washington Street in Brookline are moving closer to reality. Last week, by a vote of 8-2, the Washington Street Design Review Committee recommended a compromise Concept Design that would create…

MLK Day in Review and Getting Involved in 2025

Greetings Everyone. This Monday, we celebrated Martin Luther King Day. Dr. King cared deeply about fair and affordable housing; see this excellent article from 2018, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Vision for Affordable Housing Remains Unfulfilled. There were many activities across Boston, but one that has been meaningful for me in the past has been the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial…